Cool DIY Scarecrows

Nothing is more satisfying than using your creativity making a personal expression of your family, for almost no money, than making your own scarecrow! And it’s not only easy, its a fun thing to do with the kids as well.

Denim Scarecrow 

2 Little Hooligans

Life-Size Scarecrow 

The Gardener’s Notebook

Flannel Scarecrow 

Burlap Kitchen

Cute Scarecrow 

Indie Crafts

Mop Scarecrow

Farmhouse 38

Mini Scarecrow 


Country Scarecrow 

Grow Organic

Adorable Scarecrow 

Barbara Miller

Tin Can Scarecrow 

Crafty Imaginings,

Lady Scarecrow 

House of Hawthornes

Kid’s Scarecrow 

From J to Z

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