Awesome Science Experiments That Will Amaze Your Kids
While the kids are still out for summer, now is a great time to pique their curiosity and prime them to head back to school and start learning again!
Introduce them to new concepts, or review the previous year’s curriculum with new experiments before they begin learning new scientific concepts.
The best way to ensure your kids love learning is to participate in activities and experiments with them. Setting up a positive experience with science now will help your kids embrace and love school.
We’ve found some of our favorite science experiments and activities that your kids are sure to love.
Go ahead and get started–show your kids that science is fun!
Soil Erosion Experiment – This is a great experiment for younger and older children, showing them exactly why plants and other materials are so important to keeping water clean.
Edible Water Beads for Sensory Play – Making these beads is a great project for older kids, but playing with them is equally fun for both young children and school-aged kids. Plus, they’re edible, so you don’t need to worry about any toddlers.
Scientific Earth Cake – This one is another awesome edible project. Kids can learn about the structural makeup of the Earth while eating a delicious slice of cake!
Heat Sensitive Color Changing Slime – Teach your kids about thermochromatics with this fun sensory slime that changes color when exposed to heat.
Dyed Flower Experiment – Use this experiment to show kids how water moves through a plant. You can also do this experiment with lettuce or celery, but we like the idea of having a rainbow bouquet later!
Crystal Geodes – Make these colorful geodes with items from around your home. The kids will love seeing how their crystals grow over time!
Tea Bag Rocket – This is an easy project that will send a simple teabag floating off the plate until it burns up and floats back down! This is a no-mess project that will get your kids started on rocket science!
Raincloud in a Jar – Want to learn how clouds make rain? This project is perfect for a rainy day, so you can teach your kids exactly where all that rain comes from.
Edible Water Bubble – This is a project for older kids, exploring the possibilities of a no-waste water bottle–it’s complete edible. Be sure to watch the tutorial video before attempting this one.
Chemistry Glitter Explosion – What is a list of science experiments without at least one explosion? This is a great experiment that creates an explosion of color and glitter. So much fun!
Fizzy Cloud Dough – This dough turns from soft and squishy to fizzy and cloud-like with just the addition of a single ingredient. This is a messy project that’s best done outside, where the kids can really get into it!
“Dancing” Oobleck – This experiment is an old favorite. Make this as an experiment with the states of matter, or use it to play with soundwaves and make it “dance.”
Blood Sensory Tub – This is a fun and engaging way to teach kids what the makeup of their blood is. This is an experiment that will definitely keep their attention.
Make a Fake Lung – Get your kids interested in biology by having them construct a fake lung. Explore the mechanism of breathing with this simple project.
Magnetic Slime – Make goopy magnetic slime to show the kids how magnetism works. This is a fun experiment that will keep them occupied and curious.
Turn a Penny Green – Teach your kids about oxidation by turning a few spare pennies green! This is an inexpensive and easy project that won’t have you running back and forth to the store.
Build a Solar Oven – The kids will love this summertime experiment that explores the capabilities of solar power. Make yummy s’mores in this makeshift oven while learning about solar power!
Play “Sink or Float” – This is a fun game for younger children. Give them a chart and let them make predictions before dropping each item in the bucket of water.
Play “What Dissolves In Water?” – This is another game where your kids will need to make a prediction before trying to dissolve each substance in a jar of water. It’s a great way to get your kids thinking like scientists!
Explore Predatory Plant Behavior – Raising and feeding a predatory plant like a venus fly trap is a unique opportunity to learn about the different survival strategies of plants.
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