Awesome Downloadable Snowflake Templates
Check out these 15 awesome paper snowflake designs that are totally manageable at home if you follow these simple templates!
1. Lego paper snowflakes
Have you always loved Lego since your childhood and you’ve passed that love on to your kids? Then these cute little snowflakes featuring smiling Lego people are the perfect idea for you! Makezine guides you through the process of creating either a version that just features the heads or one that has the whole person inside what resembles a hollow Lego block!
2. 3D swirling snowflake
Maybe you enjoyed making simple paper snowflakes with your kids so much that now you’re ready to make something a little more complicated for yourself? Then check out this amazingly intricate looking 3D design that’s actually a lot easier than you might think one your first look! Curbly has all the instructions you’ll need.
3. Red snowflakes
You might have seen snowflakes shaped like these ones before, or maybe you prefer making up your own designs that are similar but end up ever so slightly different each time (just like the real thing), but the shape isn’t really what’s special about How About Orange‘s simple idea. What we really love is the colour! Most people automatically think to grab the white paper when they sit down to make snowflakes, but we think a little colour never hurt.
Are you an avid scrapbooker with a vast collection of decorative hole punchers? Well, if you’re anything like us, than you definitely have some winter themed punchers in your collection! put those to good use and, instead of cutting the snowflakes from paper, make them out of paper by gluing the little snowflake shaped cut outs together! We adore the way Martha Stewart glittered these ones to give them a bit of extra winter shine!
5. Ballerina snowflakes
Have you ever looked at an intricate snowflake and thought about how much it looks like a beautiful ballerina’s tutu? Well, Makezine definitely shares that thought! In fact, their tutorial actually teaches you how to make a paper snowflake into just that by cutting an extra shape: a little ballerina to slide through the centre cuts of your flake!
6. Paper snowflake wreath
Did you spend all afternoon making snowflakes with your kids and now you’re having trouble choosing how best to display them so that everyone who visits your home can see your handy work? Well, our favourite display so far this season is Martha Stewart‘s wreath idea! Their tutorial shows you how to attach your snowflakes at the edges in a circle before you hang them up.
7. Angel snowflake
Perhaps your family attends church every holiday season and you’d like to help your kids make a snowflake design that incorporates what they’ll learn about in the stories they’ll hear during the sermon? Then we think they’ll really enjoy these happy, festive angels proudly blowing their horns! Check the template out on Tim Quilts.
8. Oversized paper snowflake wall decor
Are you such a fan of paper snowflakes that you’d actually like to keep them up all year round, or at least for the rest of the winter season? Then think about getting a little more intricate and fancy! We adore the way Flair Flickers alternated styles and sizes across a complete wall, using decorative crafting paper and cardstock to give each flake a little more body and make them last longer despite only being made of paper.
9. Toilet paper tube snowflake
Have you ever seen those DIY wall decor designs that use the naturally rounded shape of a section of toilet paper roll to create 3D floral designs all across a wall? Well, that’s the same idea happen in Cook With Mrs G‘s snowflakes! They’ve used cute and folded sections of toilet paper roll bent and glued to create designs that are surprisingly easy to make but super impressive to look at.
10. Colourful junk mail snowflake
Like the rest snowflakes, the special thing about this design from Makezine isn’t actually the patterns themselves but rather what they’re made out of and how that affects the overall visual! These particular flakes are made out of junk mail, putting the bright colours in the ads to use but using cut out designs to overshadow the fact that those colours were once splashed with slogans and brand names.
11. Dr. Who snowflakes
Did you see the Lego themed snowflakes and automatically think about your very own favourite characters from the TV show Dr. Who? Well, you’re in luck! Oodly Crafting has precisely the templates you’re looking for to help you make snowflakes shaped like all kinds of features from the show. These are a hilarious way to show all of your visitors that you’re a true Whovian!
12. Simple paper snowflake garland
Maybe you’re firm believer that there’s beauty in simplicity? Then we think you might enjoy this easy, simple looking little paper snowflake garland idea from Curbly in favour of some of the more intricate designs. Whether you mimic the shape in the picture or create your own, the goal here is to cut clean lines and circles that look streamlined and adorable when you string them together using clear thread.
13. Game of Thrones snowflake
Perhaps you were in awe of the Dr. Who snowflake, not because you’re actually a huge Dr. Who fan, but rather because that means there are fandom designs out there for more TV shows as well? Then you need to see this snowflake design by Makezine that was inspired by Game of Thrones! You might not be the Mother of Dragons, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring some dragons to life in the form of holiday crafts.
14. Spirograph snowflake
Do you remember the arts and crafts based Spirograph toys from the 80s and early 90s? We never owned one ourselves, so we were always extra excited when friends who owned Spirograph sets would let us play with them. Well, that’s exactly what these beautifully woven paper snowflakes by Society6 were modeled after! They’ll show you how to make the lovely patterns even if you no longer have a Spirograph kit to map the design out before you cut.
15. Star wars snowflake
If we’re going to walk about fandom themed paper snowflakes then we’d be doing the pop culture world a deep injustice if we left out the biggest niche sector of them all- Star Wars! Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about our space loving readers, so here’s this awesome Star Wars themed temple from Makezine!
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