Amazing DIY Bird Houses
Every winter, here in my daycare, we make homemade bird feeders to scatter among our trees and gardens. We like to keep things on the simple side here, so we always use common household materials to make our feeders.
1. An old teapot can be a really cute nester:
2. Hang these old light globes on the garden tree:
Tutorial: designsponge.com
3. Bird nesters made from cans that look like a traffic light:
4. Build a stunning nester with pebbles and a roof covered with pennies:
5. Swallow nest built in an old lamp:
6. Amazing home attached to your window, so you can watch birds build their nest…
7. Stone houses will add rustic feel and can be easily kept in your garden year-round:
Tutoria: empressofdirt.net
8. Take old rubber boots and transform them into awesome shelter for birds:
Tutorial: niftynnifer.com
9. Upcycle a vintage tea pot and make it cute bird home:
10. Recycle and paint some of those plastic bottles to make happy bird home:
Tutorial: jud-artes.blogspot.com
11. Nail a shoe to your tree and turn it to happy home:
12. Luxury house features two cars:
13. Reuse and paint pumpkins in different colors:
14. Make a cute bird feeder with old tin can and some of those sticks and rocks:
Tutorial: blogspot.com
15. Don’t throw away those galvanized watering cans:
16. Build lovely soda pop cans bird houses:
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