Amazing Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas
Mason Jars. Just buy a few pretty jars and put your gifts like cookies, candies or school supplies in the jar. Then tie some fun lables to the jars and you get beautiful presents to thank your teachers. source
Smart Cookies. Make some cookies of your teachers’ favorite flavor and then put them in an embellished gable box. Finally remember to add a personal touch with mini notecards. source
Diet Coke. Though this present is easy to prepare and only takes you a few minutes, it is a great way to tell your favorite teachers how much you appreciate them. Also your teachers can enjoy the refreshing beverage. source
DIY Tiny Tin Storage. If you have many tiny mint tins at hand and love recycled crafting, it is an amazing idea to use these tins to make cute storage boxes as the teacher appreciation gift. source
Colorful Pens. This gift is pretty economic, practical and even friendly-environment. Some of your stash can be used as the gift container so that you can make good use of waste materials and eventually do good to the environment. source
Hand Sanitizer. This is a simple and considerate present. You just need to buy some hand sanitizer and add the cool tags which make the gift more beautiful and personal. source
Fabulous Highlighters. The cute tags that says you’ve been the highlight of my year match with the gift of highlighter. Putting them together can perfectly express your respect for the teachers. source
Post-it Notes. This idea is super easy and can be finished in the last minute. It is also a great choice when you want to thank many teachers for the reason that it is cheap and practical. source
Personalized Clothespins. It is a kind of strange and fresh idea to give teachers clothespins as the teacher appreciation gifts. Actually They are a functional present since teachers can use them to organize notes or hang things in the room. source
Upcycled Glitter Storage Boxes. Making those handmade objects needs large amount of patience and is a time-comsuming job. But this beautiful gift can totally express your appreciation for the teachers’ help. source
Printable Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Holder. If you think your teacher is good at teaching and always help you learn, then this card holder is an ideal way to let your teacher know their teaching is right on target. source
DIY Chalkboard Flower Pot. This gift is an excellent choice to thank the teachers who are flower lovers. It will be more thoughtful presents if you select their favorite flowers respectively for them. source
Printable Teacher Appreciation Bookmark. This little item is a sweet and useful gift. Unlike other objects, this type of present lasts for long. After many years, your teacher can still feel your appreciation when he see the bookmark gift. source
Fanta. It is a cool and smart idea to give a few bottles of Fanta with the adorable tags to your Fanta-stic teacher. Maybe you can use this gift idea when you run out of time because it is very simple and time-saving. source
Paper and Book Holder Makeover. This item has plenty of uses and can make for a wonderful present for almost anyone, especially for teachers. Moreover it can be personalized to accommodate user’s preferences. source
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