Amazing DIY Outdoor Family Games
Make it a full-family affair from start to finish and enlist the help of your kids to create these games. Click on the link next to each number to be taken to the original tutorial. Happy summer!
1. DIY Cornhole Board Tutorial
Cornhole is a fun bean bag toss game that can be played by the entire family. A few years ago my husband and I made our own corn hole boards and corn bags and I shared the tutorial on my blog. The boards and bags are still going strong, and I look forward to playing again this summer.
2. DIY Outdoor Dominoes Tutorial
Iron & Twine has a fantastic tutorial for creating the DIY Lawn Dominoes. I love that she used different shades of blue! These would make an excellent wedding gift.
This was my favorite game as a kid! All you need to make this oversized Kerplunk game is a 2×4, 4×4, wire netting, bamboo garden stakes, and plastic balls. Find the full step-by-step tutorial on All Parenting.
4. DIY Backyard Jenga Tutorial
There are several outdoor jenga game tutorials available on the web, but this one is my favorite! This YouTube tutorial by DIY Dork shows how to create a DIY Outdoor Jenga Game AND a cute box/stand to go with it.
5. DIY Giant Matching Memory Game
Studio DIY created a giant matching memory game using cork tiles, stencils, and spray paint. She includes her free printable stencils as part of her tutorial!
6. DIY Outdoor Stone Tic-Tac-Toe Game
This is definitely something the kids can help you make! Chicken Scratch blog painted river rocks to resemble bees and ladybugs (for the X’s and O’s) and used a tree stump as her tic-tac-toe game board. If you want a more traditional game board follow Design Dining & Diapers tutorial.
Pretty Handy Girl has an excellent tutorial for creating an outdoor marble toss game. Bonus: This game is a sneaky way to ensure kids will be practicing their addition over the summer!
Create a temporary lawn twister game using a stencil made from a cardboard box and four different colors of spray paint. Postcards from the Ridge has the full tutorial for you!
Keep your kids entertained all day by creating a backyard “water blob”. This temporary water pillow is a great way to keep toddlers entertained for hours. Find the full tutorial on Homemade Toast.
This project takes about two hours to make but will most likely provide a summer’s worth of fun! Check out the full tutorial on Instructables.
Ladder golf is a fun family game that is easy to make yourself. All that’s needed are some PVC pipes, tennis balls, and rope. Mom Endeavors has the full step-by-step tutorial for you!
12. DIY Paleontologist Ice Block
Freeze small toys layer by layer in a plastic container and allow give your budding paleontologists some tools to free their treasures. Macaroni Kid gives some helpful safety tips in this tutorial.
13. Oversized Outdoor LCR Dice Game
LCR is a fast paced dice game that is fun and easy enough for small children to play. DIY Show Off has the full tutorial on her blog explaining how to make the game and how to play!
14. DIY Yard Yahtzee
Take this classic game outdoors! Momtastic has a fantastic tutorial for DIY Yard Yahtzee that shows how to make your own yard yahtzee set using wood blocks and a woodburning tool. This is a great tutorial for those who do not own a lot of power tools.
If you own a chop saw, check out this DIY Outdoor Dice tutorial by Blue I Style.
15. Outdoor Connect Four Tutorial
Building this outdoor version of a beloved classic takes a few more power tools than some of the other games mentioned. However, this tutorial is easy to follow and includes helpful step-by-step pictures. This would make an amazing wedding or housewarming gift!
Kubb, also knowing as Viking Chess, is a fun lawn game that is sort of like a cross between horseshoes and bowling. Two teams play against each other, making it perfect for large family gatherings and outdoor barbecues. To build your own Kubb set, check out this tutorial on the Dallas Moms Blog.
17. DIY Ring Toss Game Tutorial
With a few supplies from the hardware store and a drill, you can create this cute DIY Ring Toss game. Mom Endeavors has the full and easy tutorial.
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