Amazing DIY Catapult Projects for Kids
Pool Noodle Catapult. Since summer is wrapping up. Pool noodles you bought during summer are never used. It is wasteful to just hang them out. Then a pool noodle catapult will be a new toy for your kids. Learn how to do it. source
Tinker Toy Catapult. This experiment is a pretty simple construction, but your kids will benefit a lot from the skills involved, such as designing, building, working as a team, measuring, etc. Learn how to do it.source
Cardboard Catapult. If you have some cardboard around you, don’t turn them into the trash. Here is a good idea for you to change them into a great toy with other materials like, a sturdy box, thick strong rubber band, a pencil, toothpicks and a matchbox, or a small shallow box. Learn how to do it.source
Craft Stick Catapult. This is the easiest one to make. It doesn’t take you much time and materials, just with craft sticks, rubber bands, a milk cap, cotton balls. Learn how to do it.source
Wooden Spoon Catapult. Most kids love this catapult very much with a huge hit. It is enjoyable to watch the pom poms flying across the table. Parents and kids can PK to see who can launch their pom poms the furthest. Learn how to do it.source
Marshmallow Catapults. Have you thought of making a catapult to your kids just with some marshmallows? Here are the directions.source
This simple catapult will provide you with entertainment. You can launch it with your foot. It works great for launching small items. Learn how to do it here. source
Recycled Shoe Box Catapults. Shoe boxes lying around your house are not just trash. Instead of just throwing them away, you can reuse them in fun crafts and convert them into a fun toy for you lovely kids just with 2 pencils, a rubber band, and a milk cap. Learn how to do it. source
Water Balloon Catapults. With the approaching of summer, you can make a water balloon catapult, which is a great project for a hot day. Most teen girls or boys will love this toy very much. Learn how to make it here. source
Angry Birds Catapults. Recently, angry birds are very popular among kids. Now you can make an angry bird catapult by yourself and enjoy it with your friends.source
Castle Catapults. The game of catapults will be more exciting for kids by adding a castle element.source
This catapult is a good weapon to shoot ping pong balls and water bombs, and it does not require special tools or a trip to the hardware store to build it. You just need some pre-cut dowel rods and rubber bands which can be found around. Learn how to make it here.source
Pencil Catapult. This catapult is built out of unsharpened pencils, rubber bands, and a plastic spoon. The process of making is so easy, your kids can make it by themselves just according to this picture.source
Craft Stick Catapult. This is the best design for young kids.It is built with a bottle cap,which is definitely easier for little hands to shoot. source
Popsicle Stick Catapult. This catapult is more different than the former two to built, but it can shoot at a good angle, and shoot further, especial for the light weight items, such as the candy corns.source
Siege Catapult. You need the materials like, clothes pins, craft sticks, binder clips, rubber bands, duct tape, and a plastic spoon to build this awesome catapult.source
Lego Catapult. Most kids are interested in LEGO. A Lego catapult will be a great toy for your kids. Here is a video about how to build a simple Lego catapult.source
Painting Catapult. Here is an awesome catapult, which can be totally used to paint. Both adults and kids will enjoy creating a splat-filled masterpiece using a homemade catapult. You can get some directions about how to make it and use it here. source
Plastic Spoon Catapult. It is very easy and quick to make one. What you need is a glue gun, a sturdy plastic spoon, vintage wooden clothes pin, and colored electrical tape. Besides it is an ideal one to shoot light weight items, like peanuts, cotton balls, etc.source
Pompom Paper Roll Catapult. To make this catapult is very easy. You can get the materials, like pompoms, a big spoon, paper roll, and masking tape around your house. source
Clothespin Catapult. To make this catapult maybe involves some complex process like placing pegs in holes and putting the pieces together. It would be a great activity for older kids to make according to the directions here.source
Desktop Slingshot Catapult. This catapult looks colorful and wonderful. It is also easy to make it, just with some spare office supplies. Learn how to make it here.source
All you need to make this catapult toy is a bucket, a piece of PVC pipe, a board, a piece of primed wood. All these materials can be got around you, plus it doesn’t take much to make.source
Wire Hanger Catapult. If you have some wire hangers, don’t throw them away. You can bend the wire hanger to make a catapult to launch things across the room. It’s super easy to use and really durable. Kids will love this great toy very much. You will know how to make and play it according to this tutorial.source
Popsicle Stick Catapult. It is easy and quick to build this awesome possible stick catapults at home with a few simple materials. Check the video here to see how to build it.source
PVC Water Balloon Catapult. Put a balloon in, pull the arm down as far as possible, let it fly. Kids would have fun with this project.source
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