Amazing DIY Bridal Shower Favors
So, for your bridal shower surprise your girlfriends with lovely favors all made by you, like aromatic candles, coffee bags, sweets or even a flower is a jar.
Potted Succulents
via punkwife.com
Make this cute potted succulent favors in 5 easy steps. They are low maintenance, easy to make and very original. Purchase some succulents and terracotta pots. Using a white color spray paint the pots white. Put a glitter tape all around the rim. Drop your succulents in the pots, personalize them as you wish and voila!
Pedicure in a Jar
via evermine.com
Kudos for this splendid idea! Mason jars filled with pedicure goodies make the perfect favor for a wedding shower. This favors are so easy to assemble – just get some mason jars from a dollar shop and filled them with whatever you wish like some basic pedicure tools, nail polish, cotton rounds… Print labels and tags and put a ribbon on the jars.
Glittered Wooden Spoon Favors
Plain wooden spoons are pretty affordable and you can turn them in the most fantastic wedding shower favors! Just buy some and start dipping and painting. Choose paint and glitter colors by taste or by the theme of your wedding shower. When done, add thank you cards and voila – you have cute favors for your girlfriends.
Instant Mocha Mix Favors
We love this adorable test tubes filled with delicious mocha mix. They are so great to be used as a favor at a wedding shower. The test tubes are from Martha Stewart and they are filled with sugar, creamer, coffee, milk powder, cocoa powder, cinnamon, mallow bits and chocolate sprinkles. There is even a free label and recipe card to download for free.
DIY Soy Candle Favors
via ruffledblog.com
Candles are lovely gifts, they look pretty and smell awesome. So, for your bridal shower make a candle as a favor, and don’t forget to add a honest thank you note. The tutorial we are sharing today is not only creative but it uses recycled materials, natural ingredients and is budget friendly.
Smarties Favors
via evermine.com
Here is a smart idea. This favors will cost you no more than $1. All you need to make them is smarties, tissue paper, ribbon and label. You can adapt the color of the tissue paper according to your bridal shower theme.
Mini Jars with Homemade Raspberry Jam
OMG – how cute are this little jars filled with delicious homemade raspberry jam? They are the ultimate favor. The jam is so easy to make as you will need just 2 ingredients – raspberries and sugar. When the jam is ready pour it into the jars. Don’t forget to personalize the jars with fabric circles on top and lovely tree tags.
DIY Coffee Bag Favors
via ruffledblog.com
Who doesn’t love the smell of coffee? You can choose regular coffee, decaf coffee option or even tea. As for the cute burlap bags – you can buy them or even make them on your own. When the favors are ready just tie them up with a thank you bag. You can make one bag for only 50 cents!
Mason Jar Cookie Mix Favors
Jars are the best way to pack a cute gift. So, follow the DIY we are sharing and make tasty cookie mix in a jar, a delicious and cute favor. And don’t forget to add a thank you notes with the ingredients and directions written on them.
Nail Polish Favors
via katienoel.com
If you like the pedicure jar favors but they are a little bit off your budget, here is something more affordable. This favors consist of a nail polish and Emory boards tied together with some twine along a thank you tag. They are easy to make and your girlfriends will love them.
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