Amazing DIY Baby Mobile Projects
1 Modern Colorful Mobiles. Modern Colorful Mobiles: This bright and modern mobile project is perfect for a daytime wedding reception or shower and can be done in any color scheme. It will transform the room and make a big impact! The best part is this whole project can be made on the cheap–for under $25! Let’s get started:Materials:Vellum paper (we used 14 shades) 56 sheets of paper total; $17A; sewing machine Fishing weights (not pictured);$5 An exacto knife and straight edge (or a stack cutter)Artist tape (for hanging)… (via Project Wedding)
2 Hanging Bird Mobile
Hanging Bird Mobile: Lisa Tilse of the The Red Thread put together an enchanting hanging bird mobile for our latest issue of Small. You can find the article here but she had many more photos than we could fit in the magazine so… (via Small Magazine)
3 Owl Mobile
Owl Mobile (via Craft Passion)
4 Auto Mobile
Auto Mobile (via House Tweaking)
5 Butterfly Mobile
Butterfly Mobile: A DIY tutorial of how to make a Butterfly mobile. (via Project Nursery)
6 Simple Nursery Mobile
Simple Nursery Mobile (via Decor and the Dog)
7 White Wire Circle Mobile
White Wire Circle Mobile (via Casa de Blauser)
8 Butterfly Mobile/Chandelier
Butterfly Mobile/Chandelier (via Michelle Brunner)
9 Gorgeous Bird Mobile
Gorgeous Bird Mobile (via Stitched)
10 Embroidery Hoop Mobile
Embroidery Hoop Mobile: Make an adorable mobile from embroidery hoops quick to make with great results. Perfect for the nursery or anywhere, and will cheer you up all winter long! (via Creative Jewish Mom)
11 Tree Branches Mobile
Tree Branches Mobile (via Very Shannon)
12 Origami Bird Mobile
Origami Bird Mobile (via Pamplemousse1983)
13 Paper Capiz Shell
Paper Capiz Shell: Your home for all things Design. Home Tours, DIY Project, City Guides, Shopping Guides, Before & Afters and much more (via Design Sponge)
14 Circle Cut Out Mobile
Circle Cut Out Mobile: Fully Assembled Mobiles and Mobile Kits Now for Sale! We are now offering custom, fully assembled Better-Than-Paint-Chip Mobiles and Mobile Kits on Etsy! Let’s work together to come up with the per… (via Merely Mothers)
15 Cloud Mobile
Cloud Mobile (via Petit Poulou)
16 Pretty Butterfly Mobile
Pretty Butterfly Mobile: I am starting a new feature today that I am pretty excited about called She’s Crafty! I’m going to be sharing crafty projects that I complete using goods and books from indie sellers and publish (via Indie Fixx)
17 Bat Mobile
Bat Mobile (via Pretty Prudent)
18 Felt Hot Air Balloon Mobile
Felt Hot Air Balloon Mobile (via How Joyful)
19 Colorful Cloud Mobile
Colorful Cloud Mobile (via The Baker Family)
20 Paper Lantern Mobile
Paper Lantern Mobile: Hello! One lovely reader, Erin, recently left a comment on our nursery post: Hi Jessica! So I came across your awesome paper lantern idea a few weeks ago.ordered all the supplies (lanterns, monofi… (via Live the Fancy Life)
21 Heart Mobile
Heart Mobile: The month of love and friendship is upon us. Ever since our little ones came into our lives, Valentine’s Day to us has been more about family and the love we have for each other instead of just a holiday for my husband and me. I always like to include our kids in any holiday or celebration because, (via Little Inspiration)
22 Butterfly Mobile
Butterfly Mobile (via Bugs and Fishes)
23 Polka Dots Mobile
Polka Dots Mobile (via Sew She Sews)
24 Pinwheel Mobile
Pinwheel Mobile (via Hello, PinkBird)
25 No-sew Ribbon Mobile
No-sew Ribbon Mobile (via Pretty Prudent)
26 Hanging Fabric Doily
Hanging Fabric Doily: I realized that I wanted a more permanent way to display the collection in her nursery than just the quilt. So I came up with these Hanging Fabric Doilies. Aren’t they sweet?! (via Tatertots and Jello)
27 Yo Yo Crib Mobile
Yo Yo Crib Mobile: Welcome! I’m glad you’re here! If you’re new Id so love for you to follow my posts by Email or RSS (your reader). Lets connect on Facebook & Twitter too! ***** Our third granddaughter is due in a few days and my daughter Bethany asked me to do her bedding! I showed you guys the…Read More (via All Things Heart and Home)
28 Paper Cloud Mobile
Paper Cloud Mobile: With a free template, card stock, fishing line, and an embroidery hoop, you are less that $5 away from making this thrifty paper mobile for your nursery decor. (via HGTV)
29 Hearts Baby Mobile
Hearts Baby Mobile: Make that something special for your little baby. Using this free crochet pattern from Red Heart Yarn you can make a baby hearts mobile to hang above their crib. It’s easy to make and it’s great for Valentine’s day. (via Fave Crafts)
30 Yarn Leaf Mobile
Yarn Leaf Mobile (via Two Shades of Pink)
31 Felt Crib Mobile
Felt Crib Mobile (via Handmade by Knottygal)
32 Yarn Mobile
Yarn Mobile (via Life with Maddox)
33 Paint Swatches Mobile
Paint Swatches Mobile (via Pearle’s Rosebuds)
34 Paper Hot Air Balloon Mobile
Paper Hot Air Balloon Mobile (via inCircle Interiors)
35 Happy Raincloud Mobile
Happy Raincloud Mobile (via Miss Make)
36 Sputnik Mobile
Sputnik Mobile (via Old Brand New Blog)
37 Rainy Day Mobile
Rainy Day Mobile: The lovely people at Okido magazine asked me to do a craft project for their latest issue which is all about the weather. OKIDO is jam-packed full of things to keep little hands and minds occupied. Check it outits just lovely! I made this rainy day mobile. Its really simple all you need is (via minieco)
38 Rainy Cloud Mobile
Rainy Cloud Mobile (via Blog a la Cart)
39 Felt Cloud Mobile
Felt Cloud Mobile: As promised in Part 1 of the Nursery Reveal, here is my semi-step-by-step tutorial for making a very cute DIY mobile! You could of course adapt this to any age group, babies to kids to adults =) The tutorial photos were all taken on my phone, so apologies that they aren’t fantastic quality, and I Continue reading {Tutorial} DIY Cloud Mobile (via Mikaela Danvers)
40 Simple Yarn Mobile
Simple Yarn Mobile: I’m a bit off my regular blogging routine now that I’m on holiday. Usually I edit photos and write the bulk of my posts on Sundays but I figured that Id edit and write a little daily instead and its… (via chez Larsson)
41 Ribbon Mobile
Ribbon Mobile: Babies love colors and movement, and we love attractive nursery decor so its a win win here. This tutorial is for a pretty ribbon mobile for babies to watch spin and twirl while they coo in their cribs. Its very easy to make and requires no sewing or even gluing! You can use any kind (via Momtastic)
42 Gray and Gold Feather Mobile
Gray and Gold Feather Mobile: When I was at the Haven Conference, I was introduced to the amazing Sizzix die-cutting machine and I immediately knew I had to have one! I knew it would be the perfect tool to help me create some adorable nursery decor. I received the Sizzix Big Shot machine along with a few die-cutting cartridges which…Read More (via Erin Spain: Home, DIY & Lifestyle Blog)
43 Black and White Mobile
Black and White Mobile: Hello Nap Time Crafters! My name is Cherie and I have a lil blog called you & mie where I blog about sewing and crafting, an occasional recipe or personal story, but mostly about my current passion, kids clothing. I’m so excited to be here with you with you while Amy is on maternity leave. Projects for newborns have a special place in my heart (via Peek-a-Boo Pages)
44 Gold Geometric Mobile
Gold Geometric Mobile: Geometric shapes make my heart race. A gold geometric mobile sounded like the perfect living room accessory. (via Observant Nomad)
45 Wooden Animal Mobile
Wooden Animal Mobile: If you like to do homemade crafts and want to make a home made mobile for when baby comes, here are some instructions. A post on how to make a mobile for baby. (via Mummy Deals)
46 3D Heart Mobile
3D Heart Mobile (via Design Love Fest)
47 Felt Stars Mobile
Felt Stars Mobile: Learn how to make a mobile with my easy step-by-step photo instructions. A creative gift idea for any new baby! (via Homemade Gifts Made Easy)
48 Simple Bird Mobile
Simple Bird Mobile (via The Lovebugs Blog)
49 Pom-pom Mobile
Pom-pom Mobile: OH my sweet heavenly stars. As soon as I saw the photos of Bars Chandelier project, I got a little giddy. I have a sneaky feeling that you, dear readers, are going to LOVE this project. Besides, who doesn’t want an excuse to make a plethora of poms? I know I needed one! Here is (via Small for Big)
50 Cloud and Raindrop Mobile
Cloud and Raindrop Mobile: Clouds, raindrops & umbrella prints seem to be a trend this year and I’m loving them on leggings, t-shirts and as wall paper. Clouds and rain make me very happy specially because we are in Southern Cali where rain doesn’t come by often. So, I created this simple nursery mobile for our little (via Little Inspiration)
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