Amazing Crafts For Bored Kids
Tired of hearing “I’m bored!” with kids every time you turn around? If you’re looking for a couple of creative, kid friendly crafts that will keep them off of the television (and your back) for more than a few minutes, you might be interested in more than one of these crafts.
A little bit of creativity can go a long way when you’re out of ideas, so let us do a little bit of the process for you. Check out a couple of these.
Homemade Silly Putty – When your kids can’t seem to keep to stop touching whatever you’re working on, give them something else to keep their hands busy.
Nebula Jar – This remarkably cool jar is actually quite easy to make, and adds a lot of color to their room as a neat decoration.
Bubble Snakes – If you’re in possession of too many stranded single socks, you might consider using one or two for these pretty fun bubble snakes.
Button Rings – A stylish way to eat up a little bit of time is to make some simple and fun jewelry! It also makes for a great way to use up some leftover sewing buttons.
Bug Rocks – Having a pet rock as been around for just about forever, but has lost none of the charm and appeal.
Pool Noodle Racetrack – If you’re looking to make some awesome new tracks for your matchbox cars, splitting up a Pool Noodle for a downhill sprint can make for some pretty awesome courses.
Bored Jar – If you need freedom from the constant pestering for fun ideas, you can take down some great outdoor activities or some of the ideas listed here and put them into a dedicated “I’m Bored” Jar.
Homemade Paint – Many of these crafts (and so many more) call for paint, so what a better craft than making paint itself?
Pop Bottle Bowling – If you’re looking for some good indoor or driveway entertainment, nothing beats a colorful game of bowling.
Popped Bubble Art – A fun and original art project can be popping some balloons filled with paint onto paper for some stylish paintings.
Horseshoes – Looking for some fun backyard sports a occupy a little bit more Summer time? Check out these horseshoe ideas.
Ring Toss Game – If Horseshoes doesn’t sound quite like your kid’s cup of tea, a bottle toss is a great way to go. You can even set up prizes and points.
Sticky Sand Dough – Can’t make it to the beach, and also can’t seem to hear the end of it? That doesn’t mean that you can’t do some fun indoor sand sculpting.
Glow-in-the-Dark Bubbles – For some nighttime indoor or outdoor fun before bed, these glow in the dark bubble can be a blast.
Bird Feeders – Making a few new bird feeders for the yard can be a great time sink, as well as a lot of fun to learn about birds themselves.
Marshmallow Shooters – A food fight that cleans up easy? Sounds like a great time for both parents and kids.
Rain Sticks – If you’re looking to inspire a little inner music with kids, a Rain Stick can be a great place to start on how just about anything can be an instrument.
Paper Bag Superhero – Making an adventure with your own heroes is almost always better than watching or reading one. Put on a show!
Straw Building – For the inner architect that’s looking for something a little beyond Lincoln Logs, pick up a simple pack of bendy-straws and get to work!
Paper Plate Frisbees – 50% artistic blend of coloring and patterns, 50% high energy fun.
Straw Rockets – If anyone likes making straw wrappers fly, its kids. These neat add-ons can be done with anything that flies.
Pipe Cleaner Puppets – If there’s one easy way to get bored, its by having no one else around to spend time with. A simple enough problem to fix!
Wacky Sacks – Looking for something to do with that leftover sand from earlier? Repurpose it into making some goofy-looking faces.
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