How to Recycle Tree Stumps for Garden Art and Yard Decorations
1 Landscaping with Stumperies. Landscaping with Stumperies: Stumpery artworks are wonderful elements of natural garden design. Intentional arrangement of woody material, like trunks and root wads, create very unique and beautiful garden design and inspires nat (via Lushome)
2 Log Planter for Flowers
Log Planter for Flowers: Making a log planter for flowers on our patio. The log is 1 foot in diameter by 45″ long. It took me a long time to get it finished because of other project (via A Proverbs 31 Wife)
3 Sea Urchin and Wood Slice Succulent Planters
Sea Urchin and Wood Slice Succulent Planters: Ive really been missing that satisfying feeling that comes with completing a craft project. So, I decided I needed to make a handful of small, succulent gardens. I drilled out shallow wells in some Juniper wood slices Id been saving and started potting up a few wee gardens. While I was at it, I finally (via Radmegan)
4 Tree Stump as Natural Planters
Tree Stump as Natural Planters (via Uconnladybug’s Blog)
5 Great use of that old tree stump
Great use of that old tree stump (via Patricia Henschen)
6 Tree Stump Creations
Tree Stump Creations: GARDENING is FUN! Tree Stump Creations by The Discerning Gardener, Ruth T Hill Time for a light-hearted & FUN post! I could never understand people who considered a tree stumpas an eyesore, to be removed (probably by chemical means). Continue reading (via Ruth T Hill)
7 Log Flower Planter
Log Flower Planter (via Houzz)
8 Fairy Garden in a Stump
Fairy Garden in a Stump: As promised, here are some more photos of our magical Fairy Garden Gnome Home that is made in a hollowed out tree stump. Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop. Email Address If you want to read more…click here (via The Magic Onions)
9 Succulents Tree Stump
Succulents Tree Stump (via Kelley Macdonald)
10 How To Make A Tree Stump Planter
How To Make A Tree Stump Planter: How To Make A Tree Stump Planters: Two Ways, Steps, Instructions, Tools, Pickaxe, Mattock, Drilling, Drain Holes, Soil, Growing Medium, Easy Alternative (via Bombay Outdoors)
11 Small Stump Planter
Small Stump Planter (via thisfinedayhome)
12 Drift Wood Living Planter
Drift Wood Living Planter (via Backyard Diva)
13 Driftwood and Succulents
Driftwood and Succulents (via orihimefumiko)
14 Another Stump Planter
Another Stump Planter (via The Crafty Tulip)
15 New Wooden Home for Plants
New Wooden Home for Plants (via JHD)
16 Mobile Landscapes
Mobile Landscapes (via Lila B Designs)
17 Tree Stumps for Yard Decorations
Tree Stumps for Yard Decorations: Tree stumps can be annoying eyesores that remind of dead or broken trees. Recycling tree stumps for yard decorations and decorating them with flowers are a wonderful way to remove stumps naturally and (via Lushome)
18 Create a Tree-Stump Planter
Create a Tree-Stump Planter: Turn a lopped-off tree into the highlight of your yard by filling it with colorful flowers (via This Old House)
19 Modern Tree Stump Planter
Modern Tree Stump Planter: I added a modern touch to a tree stump planter that I made. Come see how you can make one yourself! (via Not Just a Housewife)
20 Log Planters
Log Planters (via Pixdaus)
21 Log Planter with Succulents and Sedums
Log Planter with Succulents and Sedums (via Simply Succulents)
22 Tree Stump Planters DIY
Tree Stump Planters DIY: How to Make Tree Stump Planters. Here’s a practical way to make use of tree stumps – convert them into planters! Go out in the woods and find your tree stump. (via wikiHow)
23 Woodsy Fairy Garden
Woodsy Fairy Garden: Woodland Fairy Garden in a hollow log! Girls may grow up, but rarely lose their fascination with creating tiny worlds that let their imaginations run wild. Remember the fashion to create elaborate and detailed dollhouses? Now, our thoughts turn to fairy gardens! Here, Jeanie describes how she made a woodland garden as a fairy habitat. (via Flea Market Gardening)
24 Pansy and Petunia Plant Power
Pansy and Petunia Plant Power: Pansies and petunias are cascading at a whole new level. In hanging baskets and patio pots the lush spreading color is the rage in containers. The wave pansies and petunias are fast growing and are more vigorous at spreading than most other annuals. (via Edmonton Sun)
25 Tree Stump Planter For Flowers
Tree Stump Planter For Flowers: You’ve probably at one time or another been stuck with a tree stump or two in the landscape. Why not use them to your advantage? A tree stump planter for flowers could just be the ideal solution. Learn more in this article. (via Gardening Know How)
26 Tree Stump in Flowers
Tree Stump in Flowers (via Вятский сад)
27 Tree Stump Garden Idea
Tree Stump Garden Idea (via moysadiogorod)
28 Tree Stump Planter
Tree Stump Planter (via kenjonbro)
29 Transform Tree Stump to Unique Planters
Transform Tree Stump to Unique Planters (via Homestead Love)
30 Decorate Old Tree Stumps In Garden
Decorate Old Tree Stumps In Garden: Learn 3 ways to turn an old tree stump into a garden decoration! (via Interior Holic)
31 A Clever Kind of Planter
A Clever Kind of Planter (via the squirrel nutwork)
32 Turning an Old Tree Stump Into Planter
Turning an Old Tree Stump Into Planter: Some people spend a fortune trying to rid their property of an old tree stump. Some even consider this natural memory an eyesore. Stumps can take ten or more years to decay naturally. You may not want to wait that long. So if you’re trying to change the look of an old tree stump, why [] (via Viral Creek Garden)
33 Daisy “Planter”
Daisy “Planter” (via spaultpaul)
34 Tree Stumps into Planters
Tree Stumps into Planters: I thought I’d share what I do when I’m not working, cooking, gardening or sewing. Yep, it’s official, I’ve picked up another hobby: photography. Here are a few shots from this weekend. (via Creative Notions)
35 Elegance Container Gardening
Elegance Container Gardening: Cool small Gardening design ideas (via DIY Garden Decorating Ideas)
I’m trying to do this with a tree trunk in my backyard but I don’t have any electrical tools to help me just the plain ol’ hammer and chisel and it’s giving me a headache so any faster way I could carve out the hole?