Awesome DIY Winter Hacks
Whether you’re aiming for efficiency, decoration, fun, or self-sufficiency, there’s a awesome DIY project just waiting for you. Here are just a few that you might like to try out:
1 Stacked Felt Slippers
Stacked Felt Slippers (via Purl Soho)
2 Sweatshirt Slippers
Sweatshirt Slippers (via Lately Reconstructed)
3 Tie-on Slippers
Tie-on Slippers (via lancmaltby)
4 Hand Warming Gloves
Hand Warming Gloves: You can sew up a tiny rice pack to nestle in the palms of your favorite gloves in about ten minutes. Then, pop your gloves in the microwave for a few seconds, and presto! Cozy warm hands! (via CraftStylish)
5 Muff Fones
Muff Fones: My ears get real cold. Plus they hurt like crazy when it’s cold and I use ear buds. Solution, hack some earphones into a spare pair of earmuffs. This fun Instructable includes using a dremel, sugru, listening to music and keeping your ears warm. What’s not to love. Certainly I’m not the first bloke to think of this idea. I searched for a commercially avaliable product; they range from $15-$60 US dollars. (via Grissini)
6 Recycled Sweater Blanket
Recycled Sweater Blanket: Ive been sorting through a lot of stuff lately. Ive donated tons of clothes, shoes and other miscellaneous items cluttering up my place! While I was sorting through winter stuff, I ca (via Stella Singleton)
7 Toddler Leggings
Toddler Leggings: I have seen all sorts of tutorials around for baby legs. Don’t get me wrong. I like baby legs because they make it easier to change diapers and I love seeing a little thigh poking out the top. BUT I also hate them because they don’t stay up well and they end up being more (via Just Between Friends)
8 Make Your Own Snuggie
Make Your Own Snuggie: Now you can make your own Snuggie style blanket with this free pattern! Tired of the weird color choices and less-than-plush fabric the commercial Snuggies offer you? Finally, you can make your own out of any color and pattern you choose! I went with super thick leopard print (of course!) fleece. But with the variety of novelty print fleece on the market, and the ability to change up the colors all you want, you can finally have the Snuggie style blanket of your dreams. Even though I joked about it at first, I’ve finally given into the temptation of the Snuggie. It keeps me super warm during all of my lounging, knitting, reading and internet surfing. Jealous? I know you secretly are And if you’re a doubter, it’s clear you have not yet enjoyed the sweet sweet embrace of your own custom snuggie. It’s everything you love about a blanket plus sleeves! Now, … (via scoochmaroo)
9 Make a Sweater Knit
Make a Sweater Knit: It’s the perfect time of year for warm, fuzzy accessories! I love scarves, mittens and snow hats, but did you know you can make them yourself from an old sweater? Today I’ll show you how to recycle a sweater into something brand new! Step 1: Use the hemline on your sweater as the hemline for your new piece. For example, since we are making a hat today I am using… (via A Beautiful Mess)
10 Old Sweater Hat
Old Sweater Hat: Friday morning we woke up to a blanket of white snow. Id been enjoying the snow-free weather, but then I remembered how pretty snow is. So pretty. I love the quiet that comes with it, too. To celebrate the first snow I made a hat from an old sweater. One of my goals for this (via See Kate Sew)
11 Dry Your Boots Without the Mess
Dry Your Boots Without the Mess (via Dollar Store Crafts)
12 Upcycled Sweater Slippers
Dry Your Boots Without the Mess (via Dollar Store Crafts)
13 Sew House Slippers
Upcycled Sweater Slippers (via We Can Re-Do It)
14 Felt Button Slippers
Sew House Slippers (via Megan Ta Da)
15 5 Minute Instant Hand Warmer
Felt Button Slippers: We have been talking about making slippers from this thick felt for a little while since it’s thick enough to be used as a sole. Page and I were discussing slipper shapes and ways to put them together when it struck us that we could make each slipper out of a single piece of felt with almost no sewing required. We decided to add on a bright felt button for a fun bit of color and voila, these slippers were born! I am a huge fan projects like this, a clear simple idea that comes together in a flash so I’m really excited to share these. –Molly (via Purl Soho)
16 Fur Ear Muffs
5 Minute Instant Hand Warmer: Everybody has seen them, the instant hand warmers sold during the winter months for insane prices. However In this instructable I’m going to show you an easy way to make an instant hand warmer with things that you probably have laying around your house! Its a little odd for me to be posting this in the middle of summer, but in hopes of another stay warm contest I would like to see your feed back to help improve this instructable. EDIT: BE SAFE please avoid direct skin contact with the solution! I am by no means a chemist, I do not know how safe this reaction actually is. I’ve heard several people say several different things. Some people claim this produces hydrochloric acid, but I never got burned from touching it. Whatever is actually happening doesn’t matter, please be safe and do not touch the solution or inhale the fumes! Thank … (via junits15)
17 Fashion Gloves
Fur Ear Muffs: I see it. I like it. I make it. (via P.S. – I Made This)
18 How to prevent an icy windshield this winter with vinegar
Fashion Gloves (via anna evers)
19 Cute Draft Stopper
How to prevent an icy windshield this winter with vinegar: Learning how to prevent an icy windshield is a real time saver! You have experienced the scenario countless times: you grab your coffee and rush out the door, already late for work, and your car is covered in frost. As you start the engine and allow… (via InfoBarrel)
20 Recycle Sweaters into Mittens
Cute Draft Stopper (via a {day} with lil mama stuart)
21 Felt Baby Slippers
Recycle Sweaters into Mittens: After we finished making the snow hat, I begged Missy to teach me to make a pair of warm winter mittens! Follow these instructions and tips to stitch the perfect pair of mittens from a sweater! The only “trick” is to open your thumb a little (so that it’s not close to your other fingers) when chalking the line to stitch. This will make your new mittens more roomy and… (via A Beautiful Mess)
21. Felt Baby Slippers (via Purl Soho)
Felt Baby Slippers (via Purl Soho)
23 Keep Your Beer Cold and Your Hands Warm
Upcycled Sweater Boots: Upcycled sweater boots (w/mini tutorial!) – CLOTHING – What do you get when you mix a cheap pair of flats, an old sweater, and lots of hot glue?Sweater boots!! Yay!I started with this (via Craftster)
24 Recycled Sweater Pants
Keep Your Beer Cold and Your Hands Warm: Old sweaters and summer may seem like polar opposites, but this Coozie Instructable brings the two together to combat global warming and hot summer night thirst at the same time. The felted medium is perfect for embroidered customization and embellishment. (via juleej)
25 How to Make Leg Warmers from an Old Sweater
Recycled Sweater Pants: What a cute project to make an old winter sweater into cozy toddler pants. When Gina from The Daily B sent it over, I begged her to share it with us, and she agreed. Make sure to check out her site (via Pretty Prudent)
26 Use Razors to Remove Sweater Pills
How to Make Leg Warmers from an Old Sweater (via Fireflies and Jellybeans)
27 Wool Insoles
Use Razors to Remove Sweater Pills: The Secret to Removing that Dreaded Pilling From Your Clothes. Yikes!What to do when you pull one of your favorite sweaters from the dryer and its covered in those dreaded pills? Well, have no fear; The Renegade Seamstress is here! Ill show you how to easily get your sweater looking like Continue reading (via eHow)
28 Insulate Windows with Bubble Wrap
Wool Insoles (via Maya Made)
29 Warm Up Your Bed with a Hot Water Bottle
Insulate Windows with Bubble Wrap (via Build It Solar)
30 Dry Wet Shoes with Newspaper
Warm Up Your Bed with a Hot Water Bottle: Grateful for catching the first of 14 flights that I have booked for the next 8 weeks. / I appreciate my Aunty Lorna and Uncle Callum picking me up from the airport. / Grateful for the whole food (via 365 Days of Appreciation)
31 Make Your Own Pocket Hand Warmers
Dry Wet Shoes with Newspaper: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri Just when the cold weather has finally released its hold on most of America, the rain hits. Showing up to work on a rainy morning is a… (via Business Insider)
32 Reverse Your Ceiling Fan
Make Your Own Pocket Hand Warmers: These handy homemade pocket warmers take just a couple of minutes to put together and, for just about a nickel apiece, may quickly become a cold weather habit. (via Made+Remade)
33 Sweater Boot Toppers
Reverse Your Ceiling Fan: We’ve compiled a list of 10 tips for winterizing your home that should make sure that you’re household is ready for the cold season! (via The DIY Village)
34 Make Your Own Energy-Saving Thermal Curtains
Sweater Boot Toppers: I am really liking the boot topper leg warmers that I keep seeing around the internet and in the latest Fall fashion magazines. There have been several out there on Pinterest as well and I think they can make a plain pair of boots into a WOW pair of boots. A couple of weeks ago I was going through my closet and was getting rid of those things that I have not worn in the past year or have worn way too much and came across two different sweaters that I like but are just too worn out to wear… (via In His Grip…)
35 Use Pipe Insulation to Fill Gaps Below Doors
Make Your Own Energy-Saving Thermal Curtains: Want to save on your energy bills? Make a set of cheap (yet chic) thermal curtains for those drafty windows… here’s how. (via Sustainablog)
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