Quick Easter Crafts for Kids
1 Bunny Cup Craft. Bunny Cup Craft: Gather the kids and have some candy-free fun with these three adorable animal-themed Easter crafts! (via She Knows)
2 Bunny Mask
Bunny Mask: Use a paper plate and some craft cupboard bits and pieces to make a cute bunny mask – perfect for Easter! (via Activity Village)
3 Bunny Softies from Socks
Bunny Softies from Socks (via Tuts+)
4 Bunny Napkin Ring
Bunny Napkin Ring (via reahun006)
5 Egg Creatures
Egg Creatures: Dyeing for a new way to decorate Easter eggs? Here’s a recipe for fun that’s hard to beat: With basic crafts supplies — crepe paper, pipe cleaners, felt, yarn, thread, and glue — kids can make cows, pigs, and lots of other eggs-traordinary creations from plain white eggs. (via Martha Stewart)
6 Wooden Spoon Craft
Wooden Spoon Craft: Inspired by this picture on Pinterest, we went out and bought a handful of wooden spoons for this sweet and easy kids craft for Easter. Materials: Wooden spoons, acrylic paint, scrapbook paper, googly eyes, feathers, felt, glue, and a marker. Directions: 1. Paint both spoons with white acrylic paint. Let dry. 2. Paint one of the white spoons yellow (the white will have acted as a primer so that the yellow paint would pop without the need for too many coats). 3. Make bunny ears by cutting out small pieces of white felt and coloring the insides pink with the marker. 4. Glue bunny ears onto the back of the white spoon and yellow feathers onto the back of the yellow spoon. Let dry. 5. (via Vicky Barone)
7 Clothespin Bunnies
Clothespin Bunnies (via Brittany’s Best)
8 Feathery Chick Craft
Feathery Chick Craft: Gather the kids and have some candy-free fun with these three adorable animal-themed Easter crafts! (via She Knows)
9 Styrofoam Bunny
Styrofoam Bunny (via Blitsy Crafts)
10 Bunny Slippers
Bunny Slippers: DIY Bunny Slippers (via Lovely Indeed)
11 Emoji Eggs
Emoji Eggs: DIY Emoji Easter Eggs (via Studio DIY)
12 Terrarium in a Mason Jar
Terrarium in a Mason Jar: This Earth Day, build some excitement about Mother Nature with simple Mason jar terrariums that bring the outdoors in! (via All Parenting)
13 Bunny Envelopes
Bunny Envelopes: One great way to say “Happy Easter” is with paper-envelope rabbits — bearing treats, of course. (via Martha Stewart)
14 Peeps Easter Bouquet
Peeps Easter Bouquet: Make an adorable Easter table centerpiece with Peeps and The Impatient Crafter. (via The Impatient Crafter)
15 Easter Bunny Photo Craft
Easter Bunny Photo Craft: Make this Easter bunny photo craft to turn your child’s face into a funny, framed art project. (via Parenting)
16 Easter Checkers
Easter Checkers: Looking for an Easter craft to do with all of those egg cartons that you hoard? I have just the thing. Easter Checkers. This is what you will need to make this fun Easter game for the kids: 1 16×16″ thick ply wood Paint: Pink (matte & metallic), Yellow (matte & metallic), green and blue Egg cartons (24 egg cups) Card stock: orange, yellow glitter, pink glitter (2 shades) White pom poms Elmer’s glue spots: thin mini and pop-up medium Wiggly eyes Black marker X-Acto knife, scissors, ruler and paint brushes. To make the bunnies: Paint the egg cups with… (via Tonya Staab)
17 Easy Chick Candy Pops
Easy Chick Candy Pops: Easy candy craft for kids: Make chick pops for Easter. (via The Decorated Cookie)
18 Easy Bunny Punch Card
Easy Bunny Punch Card: You can find Today’s Top brands for crafting and scrapbooking: Cricut, Making Memories Slice, Silhouette America & More with all the accessories you will need (via Craft-e-Corner)
19 Light Bulb Bumblebee Craft
Light Bulb Bumblebee Craft: Winter is over and it’s time to celebrate spring! These imaginative and colorful crafts highlight everything that’s fun about the season. (via She Knows)
20 Paper Easter Baskets
Paper Easter Baskets: These pastel paper bags decorated with construction paper are a whimsical alternative to the traditional woven baskets. (via Martha Stewart)
21 Lucky Rabbit Feet
Lucky Rabbit Feet: We’re mixing up our weekly schedule to nix the family idea’s for kids crafts. With 5 kiddo’s between us, it’s more practical to show what we make with them each week 😉 Today’s post is brought to you by Family Fun Mag {love them!} and what we’ll be making for Kelli’s little darlings (via Lolly Jane)
22 Easter Egg Garden Craft
Easter Egg Garden Craft: Easter is just around the corner and here’s an Easter Egg Garden craft that you can whip up in less than an hour. Pop them in the garden after Easter! (via The Prudent Garden)
23 Paint Chip Bunny Garland
Paint Chip Bunny Garland (via the vintage umbrella)
24 Paper Plate Footprint Bunny
Paper Plate Footprint Bunny: Make a darling Paper Plate Footprint Bunny Easter Craft with the kids! Fun for kids aged toddler to early elementary age. (via Fun Handprint Art)
25 Toilet Paper Roll Easter Rabbits
Toilet Paper Roll Easter Rabbits: Want a new spin on DIY toilet paper roll Easter rabbits? Give these stylish scrapbook paper Easter bunnies a try. It’s an Easter craft your kids will LOVE! (via Crafts by Courtney)
26 Yarn Butterflies
Yarn Butterflies: The kids will have fun making these cute Yarn Butterflies, they make a great Spring time craft! (via We Made That)
27 Eggshell Flowerpots
Eggshell Flowerpots: Young gardeners can use eggshells as pots to start seeds and coffee-stirrer tags to foretell what will pop up where. Plant seeds according to package instructions, and nestle planters in an egg carton on a sunny windowsill, where they can be watered easily. The first leaves to sprout will be the cotyledons or seed leaves, which supply nutrients to the young plant until the first true leaves (resembling those of the parent plant) appear. When plants have grown to about 3 inches and have at… (via Martha Stewart)
28 Carrot Footprints
Carrot Footprints: Hello Friends! Hope you all had an Amazing weekend. They always go by too quickly for me It was so beautiful outside, so we spent much of the weekend enjoying it. I didn’t get much project time, but I did get some special time with my oldest during the little’s naptime. We made these darling footprint […] (via onekriegerchick)
29 Q-tip Bunny
Q-tip Bunny: This little Q-tip bunny has hopped its way to our house for a fun little adventure. Hes watching over the kids to make sure hell be able to come again to our house for Easter and hide a few eggs… Continue Reading (via Make and Takes)
30 Cardboard Bunny Ball Game
Cardboard Bunny Ball Game (via Actividades Infantil)
31 Peep-Wreath Centerpiece
Peep-Wreath Centerpiece: This adorable candy wreath is perfect for a kid’s birthday party. (via Martha Stewart)
32 Egg Shaped Sheets Bunny
Egg Shaped Sheets Bunny (via reahun006)
33 Paper Folded Rabbit
Paper Folded Rabbit (via Jacky Chan)
34 Paper Plate Bunny Basket
Paper Plate Bunny Basket: Easter Bunny basket made of paper plates or thick paper pieces are fun Easter craft ideas for kids. Simple and attractive Easter Bunny basket, filled with traditional spring holiday treats, cookies and candies, make very nice gifts that can delight kids after Easter brunch party. Easter Bunny bas (via Lushome)
35 Glittered Sticker Eggs
Glittered Sticker Eggs: These beautifully glittered Easter eggs are a sparkling alternative to coloring them with dyes. (via Martha Stewart)
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