15 DIY Cheerful Bathroom Designs For Kids

From classy and trendy to quirky and playful, these top kid’s bathroom designs have it all. But they all have one thing in common: they assist busy families keep things more tidy, structured, and functional.

Install a pull-out drawer stool to reach the sink or DIY a step stool.

Source: burlapanddenim.com     Get Tutorial here: hertoolbelt.com

2. DIY a toothbrush holder out of your kid’s favorite toy.

Source 1      Source 2    Tutorial: nelliebellie.com   Source 4

3. Build a child step stool for the toilet from wood pallets.

Get Tutorial here: instructables.com

4. Safe and edible glow water makes bath time more funny.  Or you can also throw some glow sticks in the bathtub.

Get Tutorial here: funathomewithkids.com     Source

5. Kids are sure to love these Lego liquid soap that can make hand washing a bit more fun. You can also replace the Lego bricks with other toys.

Get Tutorial here ===> rockinboys.com

6. Have the hooks hanging low enough for children to easily reach their towels.

Get Tutorial here ===> harvardhomemaker.com

7. A giant laundry basket keeps kid’s toys floating in easily accessed places.

Source: reddit.com

8. Kids would love this gadget(Showerhead with Dolphin Character) for their shower time.


9. Go for a sink extender for your little guys with a baby shampoo bottle.


10. Spray paint a toy dino to make a holder for toilet paper.

Get Tutorial here: thechicsite.com

11. Store and organize child’s bath toys.

Source 1     Source 2    Tutorial: theinspiredhome.org

12. Are your kids disney fans? Hidden mickey in the bathroom wall.


13. Make a great rope lighting for kids at night.


14. DIY toothbrush holders for your kids by using plastic cartoon character cups.

Get Tutorial here: carstrucksandteethingrings.com

15. Two towel rods on the back of the door; kids can easily reach the lower one.


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