10 Awesome DIY Upcycled Fabric Scraps Projects

The ideas we are presenting to you are easy to craft. Some of them are no sewing, so you can instantly get some inspiring shapes and molds from these scarps. You can target home decor, home utilities, girlish things, and some fun accessories for the babies, all with these free and easy-to-handle scrap materials.

Fabric-Scrap Favor Packs:

Image: marthastewart


Image: stitchcraftcreate.co.uk


Image: cremedelacraft

Mini Tree Ornaments:

Image: diyncrafts

 Fabric Flower Necklace:

Image: recycled-things


Image: hometalk


Image: papernstitchblog

Fabric Covered Tins:

Image: morenascorner

Holiday Hoop Art:

Image: mysocalledcraftylife

Flower Necklace:

Image: recycled-things

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