Fun Outdoor Activities For Kids
We’ve scoured the internet and found 20 great boredom-busting summer activities that are easy to set up and will provide hours of summertime fun–and will make sure your house is the “fun” house in the neighborhood.
No matter their age, your kids are sure to have a blast with these creative DIY ideas. Just be sure to let them help out with the construction and the clean up!
From giant versions of their favorite rainy-day indoor games to simple science experiments that will keep their brains occupied through summer break, there’s something for every kind of kid!
Soap Boat Races – This simple activity is perfect for younger kids. You can time each boat, or construct two courses side by side and race the boats!
Giant Jenga – This version of the classic indoor game can be made just as giant as you want it. Whether you’d prefer to play it table top, or you’d rather go larger, you’re sure to have the kids screaming with fun!
Bike and Trike Wash – This colorful car wash is constructed out of simple PVC piping, with pool noodles and sponges attached to give it a polished look. All the neighborhood kids will be riding their bikes through to cool off!
Water Balloon Piñata – This take on a birthday tradition takes a hot summer day and adds a cool twist. Instead of candy, each kid gets a refreshing blast of cool water!
Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder – This classic project is perfect for quiet, observant children. Have them make their bird feeders, and then document what kind of birds come to feed!
DIY Pool Noodle Lightsabers – The kids are going to use them as lightsabers anyway, why not make them look like them? This is a simple project you can complete in 10 minutes.
Shake-It-Up Ice Cream – Ice Cream is a favorite, but how will it keep your kids busy? Well, in order to make this ice cream, you’ll need to move around–a lot! Seal the bag tight and have the kids go wild!
Flower Color Experiment – This simple experiment allows kids to dye simple white daisies any color they want, and illustrates how water is drawn into the petals.
Hatching Butterflies – Another classic experiment that your kids will love. Keep a close eye on caterpillars, and once they’re grown, release them outside!
Jumbo Backyard Ker-Plunk Game – This is a game you can build once for under $25, and then bring out year after year. This classic game is fun for the whole family, and will also be a hit at your next barbecue!
Stump Tic-Tac-Toe – Painted stones and an old stump make an easy, quick tic-tac-toe board that your kids will love.
Nature Scavenger Hunt – A nature scavenger hunt is perfect for whenever you go on a hike or nature walk. It’ll keep the kids occupied and interested in their surroundings. When you get home, they can learn about all the things they picked up!
Sidewalk Paint – Sidewalk Chalk is fun, but what if kids could squeeze it? With this chalk paint, they can create art quickly and messily–just like a kid should. Best of all, it washes out of clothes easily.
Paint Filled Eggs On Canvas– Fill eggshells with bright paints, seal them, and then have the kids create their own canvas art by pelting the canvas with eggs! You’ll have an unique work of art to treasure when they’re finished.
Pool Noodle Croquet – This take on a classic yard game involves running, pool noodles, and yes, a soccer ball. Or, they can use the noodles as an obstacle course!
Sand Volcano – This summertime take on a classic science experiment brings the explosive fun to your sandbox.
DIY Garden Rock Caterpillar – For crafty children, create an adorable rock critter to place in the backyard garden. The more colorful the better!
Toddler Color Hop – This is a perfect toddler activity that involves color recognition. Watch the kids hop from color to color as you call them out!
Spongy Water Grenades – Create these colorful water bombs and let the kids duke it out! Like a snowball fight, but without the possibility of hard ice hurting someone!
DIY No-Mess Bubble Solution Dispenser – Bubbles are loads of fun, but the containers tend to spill, leaving you without bubble soap. Instead, create a dispenser that the kids can run back to whenever they run out–or spill–their cup.
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