Amazing DIY Bird Feeder Ideas
he hooligans always love the process, and they get so excited when they discover birds and squirrels nibbling away at the feeders they made with their very own hands.
1. Orange Bird Seed Feeder
Easy and cheap DIY bird feeder that you can use as tree ornaments, too. Details here.
2. Plastic Bottle DIY Bird Feeder
Upcycle plastic bottles into a DIY bird feeder. Get creative with the decorations!cutediyprojects
3. No Bake Bird Feeder
Great DIY project for you and the kids. Tutorial here.
4. DIY Bird Feeder Made From a Glass Bottle
Use a wine bottle or glass bottle and create this gorgeous DIY bird feeder at home. Details here.
5. Tea Cup Candle Sconce DIY Bird Feeder
This is just lovely! Find the tutorial here.
6. LEGO Bird Feeder
How fun is this LEGO DIY bird feeder! Your kids are going to love this one… Check out the details here.
7. Flower Pot DIY Bird Feeder
Have some spare terracotta pots? Why not make one of them into a gorgeous DIY bird feeder? Tutorial here.
8. Gingerbread Bird Feeder
Decorate a gingerbread house with seeds and cereal. Birds will appreciate the feast!homeiswheretheboatis
9. Bundt Pan Bird Feeder
Repurpose an old bundt pan into a DIY bird feeder. The bigger the pan, the happier your birds will beeclecticallyvintage
10. Mason Jar DIY Bird Feeder
A 3-minute project you will love! Click here for the tutorial.
11. Cheerios Bird Feeder
The easiest and the cutest bird feeder! Details here.
12. Bird Feeder Made From Plates
Modern bird feeder made from a plate. Tutorial here.
13. Dried Apple Bird Feeder
Birds will love this sweet treat. And it won’t cost you much. Get the DIY project details here.
14. Bread & Peanut Butter DIY Bird Feeder
Who said that birds can’t eat a peanut butter sandwich?! See the tutorial here.
15. Squash Wreath Simple DIY Bird Feeder
Use an acorn squash and make a wreath DIY bird feeder in no time. Tutorial here.
16. DIY Log Bird Feeder
If you are into wood working, why not try this DIY Log Bird Feeder?
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